Production Management

Divestec Mining increases the confidence in your operations’ ability to meet production targets, control costs, and improve efficiencies to deliver on promises made to shareholders,stakeholders and clients.Production Management provides up-to-date information for visibility into production processes, enabling short interval control, and support of continuous improvements across the entire value chain.With real-time data analysis, Production management conformance to plan by stabilizing processes and identifying variances. Delivering auditable master data management, The system operational technologies, enabling accurate material reconciliation, understanding what has occurred in the mine. Production management provides the foundation for driving excellence and agility in your business, to react quickly to changing mining and market conditions.

The management system for production management includes the; Variance Analysis, Data Entry, Stockpile Management Material Balance, Equipment Performance Data Management, Activity Based Costing, Reporting The advantages of using production management analysis; Reduces costs and losses, Maximizes production, Effective problem solving Improves efficiency