Excavation, Drilling and Blasting Solutions

At Divestic Mining Services we provide three key engineered and innovative steps of mining solutions for all opencast mining operations. Our personnel is efficiently trained and competent to ensure maximum production, safety and efficiency.

Surface Excavation

At Divestec we provide open cast services to effectively remove topsoil and overburden stripping. Led by a team of professional, trained personnel and making use of fully equipped machinery, we are able to efficiently remove topsoil according to the correct ratio of stripping a coal seam.


The Divestec solution team drills to expose and blast coal according to drilling pattern to maximise production and efficiency. Drilling techniques define and influence mining shot holes differently by diameter, depth and distance.

Surface Drilling

We are able to drill through both topsoil overburden to coal seam, to expose and blast the coal according to procedures that best maximise productivity and efficiency.

Underground Drilling

We are able to drill through stone and dyke areas with the use of suitable and safe flameproof equipment and accessories and tools. Underground drilling is best practice for air crossing design and sumps.


Our blasting solutions is carefully planned by a team of trained professional who are able select the correct explosives, design and blasting techniques in accordance to best blasting practice.

Our team includes:

  • Explosive engineer
  • Blasting engineer
  • Blasting technician
  • Blaster
  • Assistant blaster

Our key blasting services include:

  • Pre-split blasting
  • Box cut blasting
  • Cast blasting
  • Deck charging
  • Electronic blasting
  • Goaf blasting
  • Spontaneous combustion drilling and blasting management

We receive all legal explosives and blasting accessories from permitted suppliers – Sasol explosives, BME and AEL.

Stone and Dyke

Our efficient blasting services are conducted to blast through stone and dyke with the use of permitted and legal explosives.

Tunnel/ Shaft Blasting

Our team of explosive engineers provides safe and efficient blasting procedures for the blasting of access roads, service roads and tunnels suitable for the operations that are set up.

Surface Production Blasting

Our team of explosive engineers provides a safe, efficient and targeted blasting solution on surface blocks to meet daily tonnage products.

For more information about our Excavation, Drilling and Blasting Solutions call us.