Mine Rock Engineering

At Divestec Mining Services we offer rocks engineering solutions and supply integrated systems of rock support to underground mines. Our innovative solutions improve underground safety and increase productivity. The team of experienced service managers and underground instructors provide the appropriate training, troubleshooting and best possible levels of service.

Roof Support Services

Special Support

We make use of special support, when conditions are such that standard support is either not adequate or where its installation is not practical.

Our special support services include:

  • Cable anchors
  • Oslo straps
  • Roof trusses
  • Wire mesh and shotcrete
  • Timber packs
  • Roof and sidewall nets
  • Pillar wrapping

Secondary Support

Our generic back-bye support standard is applied to support travelling roads, belt roads, workshops and refuge bays with gophers, stingers and roof bolters with full column anchor resin.

Expert Rock Support Knowledge

Our qualified certified rock engineers and strata control officers offer practical solutions to support complex strata conditions and challenges.

Independent Rock Support Evaluation

We do rock support through pull testing, support resistance and compliance evaluation.

Training Services and Consultations

We provide extensive underground strata training to all personnel. Our training aims to inform personnel about the potential hazards associated with various rock formations.

  • Strata Control Level 1 – Underground personnel and operators
  • Strata Control Level 2 – Line supervisors
  • Strata Control Level 3 – Middle management

Code of Practice

At Divestec Mining Services we have a comprehensive COP to combat rock fall accidents. The COP to combat rock fall is a mandatory document for all operating mines. The document is drafted and reviewed every two years by a dedicated committee involving health and safety, management, technical experts, contractors and employee representatives.

Supply Services

Our supply services include:

  • Temporary support jacks
  • Permanent support jacks
  • Roof netting
  • Sidewall netting
  • Wire mesh
  • Cable anchors
  • Oslo straps
  • Cluster packs
  • Timber packs

For more information about our Excavation, Drilling and Blasting Solutions call us.